Battery Packs Supercharged with Innovations

Explore new technologies designed to enhance the performance and safety of future electric vehicles, ensuring they are ready for any mission in challenging conditions.
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New Industry Benchmark

Electronically controlled thermal management unlocking new possibilities

New technology enabling the virtual division of the battery pack thermal management into multiple sections, combined with real-time automatic control, allows each section to operate independently, optimizing coolant flow rates and unlocking unmatched performance.

Advantages of technology

Complete Control

Now, you can feed the optimum amount of coolant to the required locations in the battery pack according to the current operating conditions.

Multi-mode cooling/heating option  
Achieving maximum battery life  

Superior efficiency

With electronic control, you will manage the heat exchange much more efficiently, reducing the demands on other components in the system.

Size and weight reduction
Energy, costs & resources savings  

Unmatched Performance

With the ability to concentrate and direct all the thermal performance in one location, you can handle critical situations with ease, without oversizing the system.

Minimising the risk of thermal runaway
Ready for superfast charging

Application of technology

The first electronically driven
immersion cooling for next-gen battery packs

This type of advanced immersion cooling is designed to primarily meet the highest demands for performance, durability and safety. At the same time, it enables new possibilities of battery thermal management at the battery module and battery pack levels.

New Industry Benchmark

Efficient battery thermal management
for modern battery packs

Innovative technology of tube-based liquid cooling systems combine enhanced heat transfer efficiency with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance in a compact and lightweight design.

Advantages of technology

High-efficient Heat Transfer

Get better results under the same operating conditions. New materials and manufacturing technologies provide higher thermal performance and more uniform heat distribution for your battery module or pack. Places, where heat loss typically occurs and blind spots where the required heat exchange is not taking place, are now eliminated.

Acceleration of battery charging/discharging
Improved battery life

Ultra-light & Compact Dimensions

Take advantage of the saved space for the benefit of other components. This battery heat exchanger only needs 1.0 mm gap between all battery cells to ensure efficient heat transfer while its weight is less than half that of a conventional one.

Size and weight reduction
Possibility to increase battery capacity

Dedicated Design

Purpose-driven design delivers even better mechanical durability thanks to the high flexibility of electrically non-conductive components.  This also enables to absorb the expansion of the batteries to a significant extent. Resistance to chemicals and temperatures is a matter of course.

Risk-free electrical short circuit
Improves overall recyclability

Adopt new technology with ease

We help our clients overcome the challenges of today's electric vehicles and guide them through the implementation of our new technologies from initial concept to mass production.